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Kacher Manush Dure Thuiya (2024)

Kacher Manush Dure Thuiya (2024)

IMDb Rating: 8.5/10
Genres: Drama, Romance
Language: Bangla
Quality: 1080p / 720p / 480p [HDTS]
Size: See below ▼
Director: Shihab Shaheen
Writers: Shihab Shaheen, Jahan Sultana
Stars: Tasnia Farin, Pritom Hasan, Rupanty Akid
Storyline: Shihab Shaheen directed the movie, which is part of Chorki’s ‘Ministry of Love’ series. It’s the first time Pritom Hasan and Tasnia Farin are acting together in a movie. The film also marks the debut of Rupanty Akid. 

Kacher Manush Dure Thuiya (2024)

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